Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Its been some time back that we did some painting projects around the house and I never got to post the final pictures. So here they are - for those of you who care. I don't claim to be an expert at interior decorating!!!! In fact we tried 3 different shades of green paint in the living room before deciding on the darker shade. Matthew's room took two tries before I was happy with the color.

Don't have many decorations back up on the walls yet. Thats still a work in progress. I had the room decorated in blues previous to being painted.

This a tapestry hanging that I got for Christmas. I really like having scripture verses to use as decor in our home. And this tapestry really says how I want our family to be!!

There are no truck decals behind the crib. I have some saved for later when Matthew is older. The crib height is just right for little hands to reach and pick.

Here's my baby - 5 1/2 mos old already. She is just a precious little one. Always so happy and smiley. She gets so excited when her older brother and sister talk to her and hold her. She will probably take off crawling anytime now. Just when I thought I had '3' mastered - she will make it all a new challenge.

Sisters by chance - friends by choice!! These two really do get along well. I have been telling Kaylee that she needs to make Erin and Matthew her very best friends. Through the years friends have come and gone. Life has a way of sending us in different directions at times. But family -near or far -will always be there!!

These are my two big helpers!! As you can see - we're making cool aid - or rather we're tasting the sugar!!!!!!


Roseanne said...

You did a great job sis. Much better interior decorator then I. I love Kaylee and Erin's hair. Such pretty girls. And Zak is very impressed with Matthew's room. You're the best.

Faith said...

Hey!! So cool to find your blog and get updated on your happenings. (I added you to my list--hope that's okay.)

A beautiful mom made a beautiful home for a beautiful family! Well done, Dawn. * hugs *

Jaime said...

Hey friend! You did a great job! I really like the colors in the living room.