Kid's vocabulary can be pretty funny sometimes.
"Alicious" - description of food that is tasty
"Cinderella" - what you use to stay dry when it's raining
"Poop juice" - I'll let you figure that one on your own :-)
This past Christmas, Kaylee was trying her hand at gift wraping. (Interestingly, she wrapped one of her own toys, then unwrapped it and was so excited to get a present - to bad parents don't capitalize on that idea . . . ) Anyway her present was wrapped, as best a three year old could wrap, when she looked at me in great distress and said - "Mom, this is just wretched. We can't give this to anyone."
Matthew's vocabulary is not quite so far advanced - he is working on words such as 'blow' and 'puppy'.
With kids - every day is interesting!!!!
2 months ago
Thanks for the laff!! :)
You are right - you never know what will come out of their mouths. I get my daily laughs at work with "my kids".
LOL! That's great!
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